When will NOW be the RIGHT time to change your life?

Jun 5, 2014

<a href="http://everydaybetterandbetter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Dog-on-porch.jpg"><img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-513" src="http://everydaybetterandbetter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Dog-on-porch.jpg" alt="Dog on porch" width="504" height="385" /></a> Some days are just hard. For some, these hard days stretch into weeks, months, and even years. Although we try to put our best foot forward, sometimes life feels like it’s pulling us down. For many, the knowledge and skills required to turn around energies that are quickly spiraling out of control just haven’t been learned. Stress at work, the demands of children and tight schedules, a strained relationship with a spouse or other family member, unhealthy eating and seemingly no time to exercise, or never-ending financial struggles can leave us feeling like we have nothing left to give and no where to turn. This is where we can find ourselves on dangerous ground, yielding to the negative thoughts these challenges produce that will do nothing to improve our situation. We blame, we complain, and we justify our poor choices, but in doing so, we give up the very power that can change our day, our circumstances, even our life into something even better. My life hasn’t always been happy. I haven’t always been the optimist that I am now. Throughout my life, especially in my earlier years, I experienced depression, adversity, loss, heartache, disappointment, financial lack, health issues and numerous other trials and challenges, along with the usual day to day struggles--just like most any other person on this planet. I’m quite certain I am not special in this regard. Where I might differ from some is that, thankfully, it has been my privilege for these experiences to have given me a rich, new understanding that has completely changed my perspective, even allowing me to embrace the challenges and trials of life, appreciating every moment, and choosing to respond in better, more empowering ways. Does that seem unrealistic to you? Does that sound too difficult right now? You might be saying, “Yeah, well, you’ve never lived my life . . . you don’t know how I feel . . . I’ve tried and it just doesn’t work.” You’re right, I don’t know how you feel, but I know how I felt when I was in that kind of despair. Escaping those prisons of thought have freed me from the barriers to happiness that they produce. You can learn the truth and gain the skills to change that kind of thinking. I will share those truths with you. “Then you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32) One of those truths is that the purpose of life is to experience opposition in order to grow and progress. And, with the right perspective and tools, this can be a rewarding and promising time in your life. At 26 years old, I had my first “light-bulb” moment and for over 20 years I have gleaned many truths, principles, tools, and techniques from many sources. It’s taken years to learn these truths. So, be patient with yourself. This is not a race, it’s a journey. Take a few minutes right now to determine where you want to end up when your journey is through. Only you can decide your future. No one can or will do it for you, and no one can take that privilege from you. The first step to changing your life is to develop the desire to create something different for yourself. Then, you have to show up! Keep coming back and you will learn, step by step, how every day, in every way, your life can get better and better. Line upon line, precept upon precept. Here a little and there a little. One step at a time, one day at a time. That’s how you and I are going to get there. Join me on this journey to finding happiness, peace, and joy in your life!