It's ok to have bad days.

Aug 27, 2014

I haven't written anything for a few weeks. Why? Because I feel like I have to be in a happy, positive place to write. "How can I uplift and inspire others when I am struggling or feeling down?" "I shouldn't be down. I know how to be happy. I have all these tools. What is wrong with me?" Then I realized . . . people need to know that you struggle, too! Let's face it. If you've read my blog, you know that I believe that life is full of adversity. It's hard, but it's purposeful. Without opposition, we simply would not/could not grow to the same capacity. Even though I have this awesome perspective (and, believe me, it helps tremendously), that doesn't mean that I am exempt from trials and challenges and all the ugly thoughts and feelings that sometimes accompany them. The truth is, what I am teaching is to learn how to smile through tears, to dance in the rain, to look for the silver lining in the clouds of doubt, to pick yourself up and dust yourself off when life knocks you down (and it will). That may not be what you want to hear. I cannot guarantee you sunshine and roses all the time. All I can guarantee is that circumstances will change (both good and bad), everyone is human (and will make mistakes), and you will be disappointed from time to time. It's the cycle of life. And it is meaningful. You're going to learn coping skills, you're going to learn to see things through different eyes, you're going to gain great knowledge and insights. And, yet, still you're going to have down days. It's part of the human experience. Believe in yourself anyway. Believe in other flawed humans anyway. Believe that goodness will prevail. Believe that things will get better. Believe that better things are possible. Believe that you will feel better soon. That's what this website is about. Feeling the anger, feeling the hurt, feeling the doubt and moving forward in faith anyway. Picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and trying again. Never quitting. Never giving up hope. Never losing faith in yourself or your fellow man. Above all, never lose faith in God and His great plan for us. Truly, what is the alternative? To lose hope, to lose faith, to believe that everyone's bad and nothing will ever get better? Where is the hope in that? Where is the joy? Where is the strength to keep going? Where is the will to smile? Those negative thoughts and feelings can only lead to negative actions and behaviors, which will only lead to negative circumstances and relationships. It snowballs. If we're not careful, it becomes a downward spiral that is much harder to overcome. So, determine that it's ok to have down days. Feel it, examine it, accept it, be ok with it. Know that things will turn around. Believe it can and will get better. Ask for your eyes to be opened to other possibilities. Forgive yourself for believing that once you learned the truth, you'd never be unhappy.  Forgive yourself for giving others the power to ruin your day or your life. Forgive others for letting you down. Accept that everyone around you is human and struggling with their own lessons. Love them anyway. And even when things are bad and people are behaving in horrible ways, believe in goodness anyway. When chaos is all around you, create order and peace anyway. Examine every day--with all it's failures and disappointments--without judgment. Where can you improve? What can you do better tomorrow? Determine that, no matter what you're going through, things can and will get better. Believe that your path is just that . . . YOURS. You're exactly where you need to be, learning the lessons you need to learn. Embrace the opportunity to experience doubt, disappointment, and frustration. God trusts you to get through this. You are learning things you could learn in no other way. You're not being punished. You're being allowed to grow and gain experience. You're not a victim. You're a student of life. You're not powerless. You have all the power you'll ever need to become the best you your spirit is capable of becoming. Find your true north. Believe you have a destination that is amazing and your rewards will be worth all the trials. Believe that every experience is worthwhile. Know that your path is taking you to places so that you can experience all this life has to offer. If you're doing things that bring unhappiness, maybe stop doing it. Start noticing your thoughts. If they're making you unhappy, change them. If they're steering you in a wrong direct, redirect them. If they're causing you to make mistakes, forgive yourself and determine to try a little harder to be a little better. Make amends. Believe you deserve more. Move forward in faith. It really will get better. And then it may get worse, but it will also get better again. Go with the flow of life. What you resist persists. Stop resisting. Be open. Have faith. Believe that something greater is happening. You just don't see it yet. You are a work in progress, a diamond in the rough. The excruciating pressure you are feeling may be the very thing that is molding you into something beautiful, creating your brilliance. Choose to shine! Be ok with down days. Know that the sun will come up tomorrow. Hormones will balance out. People will forget. Friends will come and go.