First things first: Get a journal

Jun 20, 2014

<h2>Get a Journal</h2><p>I strongly encourage you to purchase a journal or notebook to write down your thoughts and feelings as you go through this series. I have found this to be one of the most effective tools that I use.</p><h3>Be your own best friend</h3><p>The benefits of therapeutic journaling include increased awareness, a safe place to dump your thoughts and clear your head, a highly effective way to sort things out, affirm what you really want, and really learn to listen to yourself.</p><p>It's possible to become so disconnected that our heart doesn't know what our mind is thinking and our mind doesn't know what our heart is feeling. This disconnect can lead to chaos and confusion. By writing out your thoughts and feelings on paper, and then reading them out loud to your yourself, you are engaging both side of your brain, more effectively uniting your heart and mind. You may find you have become your own best friend and therapist, too!</p><p>It will also help you to discover, sort through, and analyze your thoughts and feelings, especially those that have impeded your progress. You will be asked to ponder and answer questions throughout the Lighten Up! Series. I encourage you to take your time with this. Allow yourself the time to get quiet and really connect with your highest self. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you already know and how much more empowered you feel.</p><h3>Schedule quiet time for yourself</h3><p>Learn to put first things first. This includes taking all the time necessary for growth and healing. Go through each module and spend time there until you understand each principle that is being taught. Learn to apply them in your life, one day at a time.</p><h3>Participate fully</h3><p>Please be patient with yourself. You are a work in progress! This life is a journey, not a race. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Real learning takes place one principle at a time, line upon line, precept upon precept.</p><h3>Develop a love for learning</h3><p>Consider yourself a life-long student. You will be forever learning, experiencing, and, hopefully, in time, mastering many principles. I have found the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know! The thrill of the journey is continually learning and mastering new things every step of the way.</p><p>Each new understanding will add to the last. You will find yourself learning on layers and levels. Just when you think you’ve mastered a principle on one layer or level, you find that there is more to learn and experience on yet another layer or level.</p><p>This can be an extraordinary journey! Get excited, grab your journal (consider it an extra suitcase for the treasures you will be finding on your journey), and be ready to leave the excess baggage behind!</p><h3>Trust that the answers are in you</h3><p>Your spirit knows the truth. You'll know the answers when you hear them. When you hear truth, you will find yourself agreeing. You will experience a knowing within. It will just make sense and you will know that you are awakening the powers of love and light within you.</p><p>May you find that <a title="Every Day Better And Better" href="">every day, in every way, life is getting better and better</a>!</p>