The divine connection to true healing

May 12, 2018

When I was 18, I had embarrassing acne. It bothered me, so I sought a doctor’s advice. At this time in my young life, I thought that doctors knew everything and that I should do exactly as they say without question. My dermatologist suggested that I take Tetracycline to cure my acne. He prescribed a year’s supply and I took my daily dose, without question, for a year. Little did I know that, while killing off the bad “bacteria” that was causing the acne, I was also killing off the beneficial flora in my digestive tract. This began a long-term cycle of Candida yeast problems, something I would struggle with for years until I learned, through natural healing, that I could take probiotics and eat healthy foods to restore the good flora in my body. I also learned to trust my own intuition when it came to my health. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for doctors and emergency rooms that can set a broken bone or give short-term antibiotics when there is infection or bacteria. I am grateful for the many medical advances that improve people's lives and for those people who have dedicated many years of their lives in training to become doctors. However, I also came to recognize that doctors are not gods, and they are not always right. It is my privilege and responsibility to use my own God-given intuition to determine what is right for my body, which may be to follow the advice of a physician or it may be to use an alternative holistic source for healing. <h3>The Master Healer</h3> As a follower of Jesus Christ, I feel it important to acknowledge and give credit to the source from whom all healing flows. I believe the greatest physician is the Savior, Jesus Christ, the <a href="">Light of the World</a>, The Master Healer. <a href="">The Light of Chris</a>t is in and through all things and is given to all men freely. Christ, who descended below all things and has overcome all things, has established himself as the true healer, the only spiritual doctor upon whom we can rely 100% of the time. Through His teachings, we are gifted with food from on high, those things that will heal our hearts, our minds, our emotions, our bodies, our spirits. His Light may inspire us to seek and follow the counsel of a physician, take a particular medication or elect a recommended surgery, or His Light may inspire us to heal through other means--counseling, nutrition, essential oils, herbs and other nutritional supplements, exercise or one of the many forms of energy healing. <a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-293 alignleft" src="" alt="Key Gray" width="74" height="50" /></a>Learn to connect with and trust innate and divine intelligence, to follow your intuition, to seek and pray to know what to do in all situations. A healthy pattern is to gather information, make informed decisions, pray for confirmation or further guidance, then act quickly on promptings. While it is not necessary to subscribe to my beliefs to allow the healing energies of the universe to heal one's life, it does stand to reason that it must be your desire to seek something better, to have faith that healing is possible, to create a powerful intention to invite this healing power into your life, and to be willing to accept it fully. There are many insights, tools, and techniques which can help to heal our hearts, our minds, our spirits, and our bodies, and that is the intention of this website. It is a source of valuable information, available to any soul who is willing to accept and receive it. If you will seek counsel from your innate intelligence, your highest self, in and through the name of Jesus Christ (John 14:12-14), you will find answers and the divine connection to true healing.