Have you had your daily dose of light?

Nov 7, 2019

How often do you go a day without eating or drinking? Does the thought even occur to you? Our bodies need to be fueled continually for sustenance and so we eat and drink continually without much thought. And yet, while we are made up of more than just a body, we do not always give the same consideration to our whole selves.<strong> There are actually four parts of our being that need nourishment: body, mind, heart, and soul. Wouldn't it make sense nourish each one daily?</strong> <h4>Nourishment of The Soul</h4> The spirit is our inner essence, our soul, that part of us that exists beyond time and space. Our spirit is that part of us that can tune into innate wisdom and intelligence, that can know things which can be known in no other way. What are we doing each day to keep our spirit healthy, strong, and connected to our divine source? What are we feeding our spirit each day? <blockquote>What ever satisfies the soul is truth. ~ Walt Whitman</blockquote> Do you feel a sense of connection to your spiritual source? Are you able to spend quiet time, alone, just <em>being</em>? Are you easily able to tap into your own inner wisdom and intuitive guidance? Just as, daily, we feed our body to keep it working properly and to stay in balance, it is just as important and necessary to feed our spirit. <h4>You Are What You Eat</h4> When you eat, do you do so mindfully or do you find yourself foraging for anything that's convenient? How often do you overindulge in junk food? Anyone who has eaten a piece of cake smothered in frosting, especially if they have not had anything nutritious to eat prior, knows the profound effect food can have on our bodies. Your brain may begin to feel foggy, making it more difficult to think, and you may begin to feel tired or fatigued from the resulting sugar crash. What we partake of spiritually can also have a profound effect on all aspects of our being. Just like food may contribute heavily to our emotional and mental state, the things we choose to ingest spiritually and mentally may not only affect our cognitive abilities, but may also impair our ability to cope with stress. While an apple a day may keep the doctor away, a daily dose of light will enable your spirit to function at its highest capacity, and may also enhance your ability to keep negative influences at bay. <blockquote>Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. ~ St. Matthew 5:6</blockquote> How many days would you go without feeding your physical body? One may, occasionally, fast a day or even two, but most of us rarely go a day without feeding our natural bodies. Yet, if our spirit is to ever become master over our body, wouldn’t it make sense that we feed it daily on the best food for the soul? While this includes scripture (and, for those who share my Christian faith, the words of Christ), <strong>spiritual nourishment includes all things that bring inspiration into our minds and instills hope in our hearts. Anything that consists of <em>light </em>will strengthen us, protect us, uplift us, heal us, guide us, and empower us. </strong> <strong>It reminds us of our worth, our divinity, our goodness, and our purpose. Light is not limited. It can be found everywhere and in everything, except where it is shut out by the human heart and mind.</strong> <blockquote>Nothing can nourish the soul but light. ~ Rumi</blockquote> Conversely, if we allow our minds to be overrun with negative thoughts, disparaging remarks, bad news, or filth of any kind, our spirit will suffer from lack of light! We must be ever mindful of what we are ingesting on a daily basis through our associations, the internet, our smart phones, video games, music, books, and all other sorts of media input. You put garbage in, you get garbage out. This is true physically, mentally, and spiritually. Be mindful of what you are feasting upon daily. Choose to feed your spirit with care and to nurture your soul with love. <blockquote>The books we read should be chosen with great care, that they may be, as an Egyptian king wrote over his library, 'The medicines of the soul.' ~ Oliver Wendell Holmes</blockquote> <h4>Daily Mindful Action</h4> Seek light, seek truth in all its forms and you will find it. Seeking requires taking action. Be purposeful in continually filling your mind with good thoughts, for this is the true medicine that can heal our hearts and homes. <a href="http://everydaybetterandbetter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Key-Gray.jpg"><img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-99" src="http://everydaybetterandbetter.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Key-Gray.jpg" alt="Key Gray" width="74" height="50" /></a><strong>Make it a priority to feed your spirit daily, through prayer, pondering, meditation, scriptures and other good literature, as well as journaling your own impressions and feelings. Try different things. Find what works for you, but seek to nourish your spirit with a daily dose of light.</strong> My purpose for this blog is to gift readers with doses of light. Come back often and feast with me, and invite your friends, too! There is more than enough for everyone! <em>Bon appétit!</em> <h4> For the Latter-day Saint Soul</h4> <blockquote>“Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father, Ye shall have eternal life.” 2 Nephi 31:20</blockquote> It seems more than a mere suggestion to partake of spiritual things now and again, but rather we are told we <em>must </em>feast upon the words of Christ. He didn’t suggest that we have a bite or two every once in awhile. He said to <em>feast</em>. To "feast" means to eat and drink sumptuously. It is interesting to note that the origin of sumptuous is “made or produced at great cost.” So the words of Christ, which tell us all things that we must do, have come at a great cost. And we have been invited to come and feast upon them. &nbsp;